Interview with Sally Franklin Christie


The Blog Ring of Power Presents...
An Interview with Author Sally Franklin Christie


Franklin AuthorPic

Today author and fellow Eternal Press author Sally Franklin Christie stopped by to talk about herself and her latest book, MILK CARTON PEOPLE. Before I had even signed with Eternal Press, the blurb for Sally's book caught my eye - the premise was so intriguing! I only just recently got a chance to start reading it, but, so far it's one of the most unique stories I've ever read. I can't wait to see how it ends!


Old Book Monday - May 21

Quite a few book bloggers participate in a weekly meme in which they share delicious and mouth-watering pictures of the new books they have recently received. I love strolling through the blogosphere and checking out these pictures. I don’t buy a lot of new books but realized I could still participate by sharing pictures of what I do buy a lot of—OLD books. Hence, “Old Book Mondays”

This week’s “Old Book Monday” features one of my most favorite and treasured acquisitions to date

Interview with Pauline Baird Jones


The Blog Ring of Power Presents...
An Interview with Author Pauline Baird Jones


Jones AuthorPic

Today author and fellow Broad Universe member Pauline Baird Jones stopped by to talk about the creative process and her latest book, KICKING ASHE - Book 6 of the Project Enterprise series. Pauline's interview had me in stitches - be sure to visit all of the BRoP sites for the complete interview.


Interview at Caterina Torres's Site

Today I'm being interviewed by Caterina Torres, author of the "Zombie Whisperer" at - stop by and say hello!

Old Book Monday - May 7th


Quite a few book bloggers participate in a weekly meme in which they share delicious and mouth-watering pictures of the new books they have recently received.

Interview with Christine Fonseca


The Blog Ring of Power Presents...
An Interview with Author Chrsistine Fonseca


Picture of Author Christine Fonseca

Today YA author Christine Fonseca stopped by to talk about the creative process and her latest book, LACRIMOSA - Book 1 of the Requiem Series, which was just released in March. I have to say, I'm a fan of gorgeous book covers and LACRIMOSA certainly has one!


Interview with T.W. Fendley


An Interview with Author T.W. Fendley


Picture of Author T.W. Fendley

Today my friend, author T.W. Fendley stopped by to talk about her science fiction fantasy novel, "Zero Time." I met T.W. through Broad Universe (an association for women writers of speculative fiction) and she is a member of the Blog Ring of Power. Her book concept is fascinating and I was thrilled when she agreed to sit down and tell me more about it. 


Official Author Photo

Terri Bruce

So, what do you think? Do I look like an author?


Part of the book publishing process is getting the dreaded official author photo/head shot. I'm actually pretty pleased with how mine turned out and owe a unpayable debt of gratiitude to the amazing talents of my hairdresser, who did my hair and make-up, and to the photographer--Amy Lundstrom.

Interview with Jessica Khoury


The Blog Ring of Power Presents…
An Interview with Author Jessica Khoury


Picture of Author Jessica KhouryToday debut author Jessica Khoury stopped by to talk about her Young Adult novel, "Origin" (Razorbill), coming September 2012. Jessica has had a whirlwind of success finding representation for this novel and I'm delighted that she stopped by to talk about her experience.


Books a Million


My uncle, who loved books, passed away in 2008 and left his entire collection of books—30 large boxes worth—to my sister and I. It wasn’t until recently, however, that we had the heart to go through them—there were just too many painful memories of grief, loss, and the hole in our lives that was left by his passing. Without him, there was no longer anyone to recommend little known titles by favorite authors, relate fascinating anecdotes from the lives of the literary greats, and to turn us onto previously unknown authors.

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