Old Book Monday - September 17

Quite a few book bloggers participate in a weekly meme in which they share delicious and mouth-watering pictures of the new books they have recently received. I love strolling through the blogosphere and checking out these pictures. I don’t buy a lot of new books but realized I could still participate by sharing pictures of what I do buy a lot of—OLD books. Hence, “Old Book Mondays.”

This week’s “Old Book Monday” contains an update...

Interview at Happy Tails and Tales

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Today I'm being interviewed by Maghon at Happy Tails and Tales Blog where I talk about writing challenges, killing off characters, and my list of suggested "must read" books. My first visit to Maghon's blog just re-enforced that I have found my people - her readers are just as big of animal lovers as Maghon is!

Cats and the Afterlife

Melissa Eclectic Bookshelf

Today I'm at  Melissa's Eclectic Bookshelf discussing various afterlife beliefs involving cats. While you're there, be sure to check out the rest of Melissa's site. I love hanging out with book bloggers because, for the most part, these are some of the nicest, happiest, most upbeat people on earth--and Melissa examplifies this to the max. Her blog is always a breath of fresh air and, hey, CATS!

Top Ten Strangest Afterlife Beliefs

Today, I'm at  My Pathway to Books discussing the top ten stranges afterlife beliefs/customs that I came across in my research for Hereafter. While you're there, be sure to check out the rest of the site. Tess's site is one of my favorite book blogger sites - Tess is an amazing young woman and an incredible supporter of indie books and indie authors. She's sweet, kind, funny, and extremely smart. I always feel like a better person after hanging around with her.

Bullying and Subtlty in Writing

Today I am over at From the Bootheel Cotton Patch, a great book blog, discussing the challenges of writing about difficult topics (in this case, bullying and Jonah's back story) in a subtle, non "in your face" way. While you're there, be sure to check out the rest of Flora's blog. There's always a lot going on there - reviews, giveaways, blog hops, etc. and spotlights on an electic mix of books, many lesser known, which is great when you want to diversify your reading or find something a little different. What I especially like about this blog is that it's a mother-daughter team, which makes it great for parents looking for books appropriate for their teens.

To The Books! On Doing Research

Today I'm at author Anne E. Johnson's blog, Jester Harley's Manuscript Pages, sharing some behind the scenes on the research I did for Hereafter. While you're there, be sure to check out Anne's own books - Trouble at the Scriptorium, Ebenezer's Locker, and Green Light Delivery.

Interview with Sandra Saidak


The Blog Ring of Power Presents...
An Interview with Author Sandra Saidak


Saidak authorpic

Today author Sandra Saidak stopped by to talk about her latest novel, Shadow of the Horsemen, and to share some words of wisdom. Sandra writes pre-historic fiction, a genre that's always fascinated me. We had some debate among the BRoP members whether pre-historic fiction was speculative or historical. What are your thoughts?



Interview at The Wormhole

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Today's I'm being interviewed by Beverly at The Wormhole where I talk about favorite books, writing influences, and the elements of a good story. Bookworms beware - Beverly's site is addictive. She's a very active reviewer and hosts a lot of blog tours, which means there's LOTS and LOTS of opportunities to win books from her site.

Favorite Movies Featuring Ghosts

Today I'm over at writer Kela McClellands blog, Teardrops On My Book, talking about my top ten favorite movies featuring ghosts and/or the afterlife.

While you're there, be sure to check out the rest of Kela's site - her posts are smart, funny, touching, and deeply human. What's even better is that she blogs regularly and on a schedule! Be sure to catch her "Insecure Writers Support Group" posts (which I think is just the most awesome concept ever!) the first Wednesday of every month.

Hereafter Release Party

Come help me celebrate the release of Hereafter on Saturday, September 15th from 11 am to 3 pm at the Portsmouth, NH public library.


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